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Junior Secondary

The junior curriculum comprises the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Religious Education, Social Studies, Home Economics, Integrate science, Business Studies, Design & Technology, Computer Studies, Music and Icibemba.

Nurturing Growth and Spirit: A Child's Journey at St. Francis Secondary School

St. Francis provides a robust academic environment where dedicated teachers foster a love for learning. Classrooms buzz with intellectual curiosity, and as students delve into diverse subjects, their minds are stretched and challenged. From mastering scientific concepts to exploring the beauty of literature, each child is encouraged to discover their unique talents and academic strengths.

More than just an institution of learning, it’s a fertile ground where young minds blossom, not only in academic pursuits but also in character and spirit, guided by the gentle yet powerful influence of its Christian foundation.

Education at St. Francis extends beyond textbooks and exams. The school’s Christian ethos permeates every aspect of school life, instilling values of compassion, respect, and service. Students learn to navigate the complexities of life with a moral compass, guided by the teachings of love, forgiveness, and empathy.

Nurturing Hearts and Minds: Why St. Francis Secondary School Is the Perfect Choice for Your Child

At St. Francis, we celebrate our Catholic heritage, weaving Christian values into the fabric of our daily lives. Prayer, reflection, and ethical guidance are interwoven with academic pursuits, shaping young minds and hearts towards empathy, honesty, and a strong moral compass. Our chaplain and dedicated Catholic teachers provide students with a haven of support and guidance, helping them navigate the complexities of adolescence and forge a strong sense of identity.

While we take pride in our exceptional academic record and consistently outstanding examination results, at St. Francis, we believe in education that extends beyond textbooks and exams. We offer a diverse curriculum that caters to every student’s individual talents and interests, from science and mathematics to the arts and humanities, sports, and extracurricular activities. Our dedicated teachers go beyond rote learning, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and a lifelong love for learning.

Choosing St. Francis Secondary School is an investment in your child’s future. We are not just an institution, but a family, a network of support, and a springboard for success. We are confident that by entrusting your child to our care, you are giving them the tools and foundation they need to become not just academically well-rounded individuals but also good Christians, responsible citizens, and leaders of tomorrow. We invite you to visit our beautiful campus, meet our dedicated teachers, and experience the St. Francis spirit firsthand. Contact us today and let us show you why St. Francis Secondary School is the perfect choice for your child.