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Senior Secondary

The senior curriculum at St. Francis Secondary School comprises the following subjects; English, Additional Mathematics, Ordinary Mathematics, Science, Pure Physics, Pure Chemistry, Biology, Computer Studies, Design & Technology, Geography, Icibemba, Christian Religious Education, Civic Education, Civic Education, History, Commerce, Music, Principles of accounts, Computer Studies, Literature in English, Food & Nutrition and Design & Technology.

For the curriculum the school has chosen both Academic and Vocational Pathways giving its pupils a choice between the two depending on their interest and capabilities

St. Francis Secondary School: Where Respect Blossoms Under Faith and Guidance

Respect at St. Francis isn’t confined to a singular act or rule. It’s a multifaceted symphony echoing through the hallways. It’s the hum of courteous greetings exchanged between students and teachers, the reverence for diverse faiths and cultures, and the unwavering support for one another’s strengths and weaknesses. It’s in the gentle hands of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, patiently guiding students towards a path of respect for themselves, their peers, and the world around them.

Responsibility Under the Zambian Sun: St. Francis and the Seeds of Service

Responsibility at St. Francis isn’t merely a checklist of tasks. It’s woven into the very fabric of the school’s Christian character. Students learn that responsibility is an act of love, a way to honour God and serve their fellow human beings. They discover that every choice and every action ripples outward, impacting not just themselves but the community and the world around them.

Honesty at St. Francis: Where Integrity Meets Faith

Honesty at St. Francis isn’t simply about ticking a box of ethical conduct. It’s rooted in the teachings of Christianity, where truthfulness is seen as a fundamental pillar of a life lived in accordance with God’s will. Students learn to see honesty not as a mere policy but as a reflection of their inner moral compass, guided by the principles of love, respect, and compassion.

The Brothers of the Sacred Heart play a crucial role in fostering this ethos of honesty. They act as mentors, confidantes, and role models, embodying the values they impart to their students. Through their gentle and unwavering example, they inspire students to choose truthfulness even when faced with temptation or challenges.

Woven with Kindness: St. Francis Secondary, Where Compassion Becomes Habit

St. Francis isn’t just a school; it’s a sanctuary of compassion. At its core lies the belief that faith thrives when nurtured by a heart open to others. This message resonates in every classroom and in every interaction, reminding students that true strength lies not in personal accomplishments but in the quiet, everyday acts of kindness that uplift and heal.

The Brothers of the Sacred Heart, with their gentle smiles and unwavering dedication, serve as beacons of this philosophy. They are more than just teachers; they are mentors, confidantes, and role models, leading by example and demonstrating that kindness isn’t just a word but a way of being.